Saw these first at Kokako Organic. Super smart design. A little worm Mansion to help out your garden...
Mike, Kokako Cafe
Mike Murphy runs Kokako, an organic coffee roastery and kitchen. "It's very important to us to consider every step in our business process in the most sustainable and practical way possible," says Mike. "We have eight hungry bins adjacent to our commercial kitchen, and I have calculated that they process 2.5 tonnes of organic waste per year."
"Knowing that we can make such a big difference just by composting our waste is very important to both us and our customers. It's great to know we can take care of our own problem, without having to truck organic waste somewhere else.
“Since we are in a mixed-use zone the bins are very close to neighbouring apartments, and we've never had a complaint of odour or insects. We strive to make our operation as sustainable as possible, and our hungry bins go a long way towards helping us achieve our goal to be a leading sustainable business," says Mike. Processing larger waste streams with hungry bin is easy. Hungry bin is very space efficient, and can fit almost anywhere.
"The hungry bin is the result of several years of design development by inventor Ben Bell, of New Zealand."
Designed and MADE here in NZ- That's what we like!
If you are a highly motivated efficient worker bee with loads of experience working in cafes
and know you could fill one of these roles with enthusiasm email us your CV with a cover letter.
Get in first before we advertise on seek!
You must be available to work a variety of hours including weekends.
You must love love love good food and excellent coffee.
Cook: A hottest home baker type who knows how to work with filo pastry ( you don't have to be experienced in vegan baking but must be keen as to learn) Our kitchen is tiny so you have to be able to work with others in tight quarters.
A few weeks ago cosset was gifted a piece by Askew titled 'BLACK SANDS'
It's sitting up with the keepcups until we can make
it a perminant home.
You can view and purchase this limited edition work
by visiting the online store which you can find on the left
of this blog page.
I'm tempted to grab a copy of POYNTON TERRACE PAPER PRINT FRAMED. A little piece of nz/auckland/kroad history
Early this year the Auckland city council painted over this iconic piece of graffiti Art. (f.....................................................................)
Now the evidence- which in my opinion is an artwork in itself -becomes the only artwork.
It seems We're flavour of the month with yet another positive reveiw.
Gypsy (the cat) loved her
mention in the canvas mag
- weekend herald. She also
loved all the pats she received
this weekend and didn't mind
the attention of the toddlers
one little bit!
Ever tried soy cream? Ask us for a taste or have some on the side of your cake. Its NOMNOM.
You can buy it at cosset now or order of Alice at angel foods.
Check out what other vegan goodies Alice has to offer on her